
Furnaces | Nikita

How To Install a New Furnace In Canada

Written by 7 Min.

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People of Canada, like the other parts of the world, are staying back home more often after the pandemic hit. Appliances like furnaces, air conditioners, etc., are more vital now than ever. For a smooth winter, you should invest in optimal furnaces, install and maintain them, and replace them on time, especially if they have been in service for more than 15-17 years.

5 Tips To Remember When You will be Installing Your Furnace.

1. Choose your Furnace Wisely

There are three types of furnaces in the market to choose from, depending on your needs and budget. It would be best if you put a lot of thought when selecting a furnace for your home’s needs.

The three types of furnaces in the market:

2. Select a Suitable Location when installing your Furnace

Once you have chosen the right furnace for your needs, the next step is to select the most appropriate location where you will install it. The site you choose will depend on your furnace type since each furnace comes with specifications for its installation.

If placed in the basement, position it at least 4 inches off the floor to protect it against basement floods. If you opt to place it in the attic, put a drain pan just below it if it leaks.

Make sure that the location is apparent from items to make the area accessible. Also, get rid of any hazards that can get in the way as you move from one place to another through the installation process. The last thing you want is to trip over things during the installation process. Remove any boxes and other stores that are placed directly from the old furnace. You can also take the time to sweep the area and keep your children from the site until you are done.

Also, it is vital to ensure that your furnace has a good foundation. For this, you should place your unit on rubber isolation pads. Rubber isolation helps to minimize noise when the company is running.

3. The Installation Process

After choosing a suitable location, the next step is to install your new unit.

To do this, you first need to determine where the drain and duct will run.

To position, the furnace unit, consider where the condensate drain will run. Once you decide, arrange your furnace slightly sloping the condensate drain. Something else that you need to decide is where the air duct will be.

Usually, the air duct is placed on the side or bottom of the furnace. For this, you will need to cut a hole into the furnace. A professional HVAC to help with this is essential because the last thing you want is to cut the wrong-sized hole on a new unit.

4. The Connection Process

If you choose the gas unit, you need to connect the furnace to your home’s ducting system. Use a duct sealant to seal any connection with the system. You can also use metal foil tape for this. Make sure that you connect the ductwork to the surface appropriately to prevent damaging them.

Upon connecting the duct system to your unit, you also need to connect your vent pipes to the Furnace unit. Position the vent pipe so that it slightly slopes towards the Furnace to ensure that condensation drains safely and effectively.

If you are installing a gas furnace, make sure that there are adequate ventilation and shutoff. Once complete, inspect the furnace to ensure that there are no leaks.

5. Furnace Testing

After completing the connection process, it’s now time to test the Furnace and see if it’s working correctly and safely as it should. To do this, run the unit on a heating cycle to ensure that the temperature output meets the manufacturer’s specifications.

It is also here that you will check for any gas leaks on the gas line. Also, see to it that there is proper draining on the condensate drain.

How To Install A Furnace In Your Home

After buying an ideal furnace, the next step is understanding its step-by-step installation process for efficient functioning. Furnace installation can take 4-8 hours, more or less, depending on what type of furnace you have. Let’s break down the furnace installation process into bite-sized practical content.

Phase 1: Remove the old furnace

The first step is to remove the old furnace if you have any. Carefully turn off the power and gas supply before starting the removal process. The primary elimination while removing the old furnace is of the items connected to the central unit like gas lines, electrical wiring, etc. After removing the old furnace, clean the entry points to the ductwork and evaporator coil for the smooth installation of a new furnace.

Phase 2: Pre-installation process

The pre-installation step is much more than removing the old heating system and might take around 1-3 hours. The process involves:

1. Venting

Efficient venting is necessary to drain the carbon monoxide and other residual gasses out of the house. Ensure all the laws relating to venting and piping have been complied with and make a provision for additional vents. Use a gas leak detector to find any leaks.

2. Ductwork modification

Verify the existing ductwork can accommodate the airflow of the new furnace. Check both the supply of the air going into the air ducts and the passage of air going back into the blower motor. Ensure the connection between the new furnace is air sealed; use metal foil tape or duct sealant to prevent leaks.

3. Sizing

Ensure the size of the new furnace is accurate for the place. Take a heat load calculation to ensure the new furnace is neither undersized nor oversized.

4. Site preparation

Remove any object or device that could obstruct the airflow. Utilize additional vents if necessary. Keep away all the things that could catch fire and ensure wiring, gas lines, and everything are well set for the installation.

Phase 3: Installation process

Before starting the installation process, peruse the product instructions and follow them diligently. The general steps for installing a furnace are as follows:

Furnace positioning

Electrical connection

Fuel line

Complete setting up

Commissioning of the furnace

Having a complete idea of how the installation process works might be helpful. But, installation involves specialized expertise. Thus, one should prefer professional help for the process. Installation made by any rookie installer may cause critical problems in the future. You should hire a certified HVAC technician with years of experience installing furnaces; Smile HVAC is your ideal partner.

Video – How To Do Furnace Installation

FAQ About Furnace Installation

Do I need a permit to install a furnace?

In most cases, yes. It is important to check with your local building department to determine what permits and inspections are required for furnace installations in your area.

Can I install a furnace myself?

It is not recommended to install a furnace yourself unless you have experience and expertise in HVAC installations. Furnace installations can be complex and may require specific tools and equipment. It is best to hire a licensed and experienced HVAC professional to ensure the installation is done safely and correctly.

How long does it take to install a furnace?

The duration of a furnace installation can vary depending on factors such as the type of furnace being installed, the size and layout of your home, and any necessary modifications to the ductwork or electrical system. In general, a typical furnace installation can take anywhere from 4 to 10 hours.

What are the steps involved in installing a furnace?

The steps involved in installing a furnace can vary depending on the specific furnace and the layout of your home. However, some general steps include:

How much does it cost to install a furnace?

The cost of installing a furnace can vary depending on factors such as the type of furnace being installed, the size and layout of your home, and any necessary modifications to the ductwork or electrical system. In general, the cost of a furnace installation can range from $2,500 to $7,500.

How often should a furnace be replaced?

The lifespan of a furnace can vary depending on factors such as the type of furnace, the quality of installation and maintenance, and the frequency of use. In general, furnaces can last anywhere from 15 to 30 years. It is recommended to replace a furnace if it is over 15 years old, has significant damage or wear and tear, or is not functioning efficiently.