

What is the Ideal Thermostat Temperature Setting for Summer?

Hand turning a home thermostat knob to set temperature on energy saving mode. fahrenheit units. Composite image between a photography and a 3D background.

As the temperature rises during the summer months, many people start to wonder what temperature they should set their air conditioner to for optimal comfort and energy efficiency.

The ideal thermostat temperature setting for a cool summer depends on several factors, including the size of your home, your personal preferences, and your energy bills. In this blog post, I will provide you with some tips and recommendations on how to optimize your comfort and save money on energy bills by setting the right thermostat temperature for summer.

Factors That Affect Ideal Thermostat Temperature in Summer

There are several factors that can affect the ideal thermostat temperature, including:

What is The Recommended Temperature For Your House in Summer?

It is recommended to set your thermostat to 78°F (25.5°C) during the day and 82°F (27.7°C) at night in summer. The recommended thermostat settings for summer vary depending on various factors like the size of your home, preference, and local climate.

This temperature range provides a comfortable environment while also being energy-efficient. If you are not comfortable with this temperature range, you can adjust it to your personal preferences while keeping in mind the impact on your energy bills.

What is The Recommended Energy-efficient temperature for summer?

Setting your thermostat to an energy-efficient temperature for summer can help you save money on energy bills while still maintaining a comfortable environment.

According to the U.S. Department of Energy, you can save up to 10% per year on heating and cooling costs by setting your thermostat back 7-10°F (4-6°C) for eight hours a day. This means that if you set your thermostat to 78°F (25.5°C) during the day and 85°F (29.4°C) at night, you can save money on your energy bills without sacrificing comfort.

What is The impact of thermostat temperature on energy bills?

The thermostat temperature you set can have a significant impact on your energy bills. If you set your thermostat to a lower temperature than necessary, you will consume more energy and spend more money on your energy bills.

On the other hand, if you set your thermostat to a higher temperature than necessary, you may not be comfortable and may end up using other cooling methods, such as fans or portable air conditioners, which can also increase your energy bills. Therefore, it is essential to find the right balance between comfort and energy efficiency when setting your thermostat temperature for summer.

Setting Up a Programmable Thermostat For Summer

A programmable thermostat can help you maintain an optimal temperature for summer while also saving money on energy bills. With a programmable thermostat, you can set different temperature ranges for different times of the day, depending on your schedule and preferences.

For example, you can set your thermostat to a higher temperature when you are away from home and lower it before you return. This way, you can save energy and money without sacrificing comfort.

Tips For Maintaining a Comfortable Temperature During Summer

In addition to setting the right thermostat temperature for summer, there are several other tips you can follow to maintain a comfortable environment during the hot months.

Firstly, make sure to keep your windows and doors closed during the hottest parts of the day to prevent hot air from entering your home.

Secondly, use ceiling fans or portable fans to circulate the air and create a cool breeze. Thirdly, avoid using heat-generating appliances, such as ovens or dryers, during the hottest parts of the day.

Lastly, consider using blinds or curtains to block out the sun and prevent your home from heating up.

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Setting Thermostat Temperature

There are several common mistakes you should avoid when setting your thermostat temperature for summer.

Benefits of Maintaining an Optimal Thermostat Temperature in Summer

Maintaining an optimal thermostat temperature in summer can provide several benefits.


In conclusion, setting the right thermostat temperature for summer can help you maintain a comfortable environment while also saving money on energy bills. The ideal thermostat temperature for summer depends on several factors, such as the size of your home, your personal preferences, and the local climate. However, as a general rule of thumb, it is recommended to set your thermostat to 78°F (25.5°C) during the day and 82°F (27.7°C) at night. By following the tips and recommendations provided in this blog post, you can optimize your comfort and save money on energy bills this summer.