
Air Conditioners | 7 Min.

What is the First Thing to Check When the AC Goes Out?

Written by Raksha

When the hot months arrive, people look for different ways to keep themselves hydrated and comfortable. One such way is to install an air conditioner in a home. Because of extreme heat, the international need for AC units has increased.

Since the average daily temperature is around 30 degrees, the weekly sales of AC units have increased by 16%. In addition, around 25% of individuals across the globe search for AC units online due to the global heat wave.

However, let’s not forget that an “air conditioner” is a machine. It keeps you cool and relaxed from the heat because various parts work together. Now, if suddenly the unit shuts down, it indicates that one of its parts is damaged or creating issues.

So, before going straight to a technician, you need to check the system first. That way, you’ll know where the problem occurred.

10 Things You Should Check If Your AC Unit Shuts Down

The summer heat is for everyone, including the HVAC technician. So, instead of making them look for the problem, you should try to find out beforehand. That way, you can make the work much easier for them, and they will get that specific part or area fixed immediately. So, when your air conditioner goes out, you should check the following things:

Inspect the Furnace Filter

You should change the furnace filter more frequently during the summer. The AC unit runs a lot and is filled with debris and dust, which can block the filters.

A clogged or blocked furnace filter will overwork the air conditioner. It’s also a common reason for a cooling system to break down, especially during the summer. To resolve this issue, you should clean the furnace filter and then start the AC unit.

Check the Fuses in the Outdoor Disconnect Unit

You will find the outdoor disconnect system outside of your residence. Open it and examine the condition of the fuses. Whether it’s a fuse-related problem or a power surge took place, get the fuse replaced with a different one. To purchase the fuse, get them from the local hardware shop.

You will also find some outdoor systems come with an “indicator.” It will instantly light up when a fuse goes bad. When you find a light inside the box, you will easily know what made the AC unit go out.

Find Out If the Indoor Coil Has Become Rigid

How do you know that the indoor coil is frozen? It’s when you find water under the furnace. If this happens, you should shut down the unit for 6 hours and let the indoor coil thaw. After that, you can turn on the system with the furnace filter.

Frozen indoor coils should be checked by a skilled technician. They can only determine the issue once the coil has thawed. Call an expert after shutting down the system.

Take a Look at the Thermostat

The thermostat is called the “Brain” of the air conditioning unit. It shows different metrics of the AC unit, such as what temperature to hold, when to kick in, etc. When the system goes off, you should check the thermostat first. The AC might malfunction because the thermostat has a different setting.

But if the system has an aging thermostat that’s creating many issues, you should replace it with a new one. Smart and digital thermostats have become popular lately. They come with unique features that can extend the life of the unit and also reduce the cost of energy bills.
Investigate the Drain Pipe and Pan

The condensation drain pipe and pan carry water accumulated in the system outside of the residence. When the drain pipe gets blocked, the water goes back to the drain pipe. This can prevent the AC from running properly and cause moisture to leak out.

Look at the Circuit Board

During the fall season, you may have turned off the circuit breaker located in the outdoor box. But in the springtime, you need to switch it on 24 hours before using the AC unit. You can turn on the circuit on your own. But if you find out it’s facing some issues, or you don’t know which is control for the external unit, please call the professionals for help.

The Blow Fan

It’s vital to brush and clean the blades of your unit’s blow fan. Once the cleaning and brushing are completed, you can tighten the installing nuts and grease up the motor.

Now, switch on the AC and inspect all the functions properly. Allow the cooling system to run for some time, as this will help you spot any weird sounds. If you hear a noise or sound, contact the technician immediately.

Check the Batteries of the Thermostat

One of the main reasons a thermostat has issues is its batteries. If it doesn’t light up, you should get the batteries replaced. Many homeowners don’t know that a thermostat needs batteries to function well.

But if the display does not turn on, the batteries are at fault. This is a small and easy fix that doesn’t require the assistance of an expert and will also help save time.

Consider the Age of the AC Unit

On certain occasions, an AC unit might not work because it has become old. If the system is between 12 and 15 years old or much older than that, you should get it replaced. This is when the replacement cost outweighs the repair cost.

HVAC companies can provide you with an in-home and free estimate for the installation of new units. They will also tell you about the appliance, financing options, rebates, current promotions, and efficiency options.

The Cooling Agent Level

You must check the AC unit’s vital and additional components. The cooling agent or refrigerant helps produce cold air. This chemical will condense and evaporate throughout the entire cooling cycle.

When the cooling unit leaks, refrigerant levels might drop. So, before the cooling agent reduces further, you should find the leakage and quickly fix it.

Final Words

Finding out what is wrong with the AC system can enable you to tell the technician what the problem is. They don’t have to spend time looking for the issue but instead, get straight to resolving it. This is something we at Smile HVAC also expect from our customers.

If our customers tell us what went wrong with their cooling system, it will allow you to find the correct solution to fix the problem. Apart from fixing AC-related issues, we can also provide free estimates and other information on the cooling system.

So, don’t think twice! Feel free to call at (+1) 437-777-4555. Otherwise, you can explain your problems in detail by mailing us at [email protected]. Please also take a look at our website,, to learn more about us.