

What Should You Not Keep Around a Furnace?

Furnace in a house is highly beneficial in keeping the house warm while being an efficient source. Most people in the West prefer having a furnace in the house for a cost-effective heating source, and it is also reliable for improved indoor air quality. With all these benefits, one can also expect the advantage of a long lifespan over any other type of heating option in the house. It is undoubtedly a win-win situation for the users.

However, with all the benefits, there comes responsibility. A few of these crucial things to keep in mind are – timely maintenance, consideration of safety measures, adequate ventilation, and, last but not least, responsible use. Many people around the country store or keep extra items, furniture, and other stuff in the furnace room.

With well-designed furnaces, it is unlikely to have any issues in the long period, but carelessness can cause big harm that nobody expected. Below given are a few key things that one should not ever place near a furnace:

What Should You Not Store In Your Furnace Room?

You should not store anything flammable, plastic, crackers, papers, gasoline and the list goes on. In short, your furnace room should just have a furnace and a lot of space for the furnace to work effectively.

Avoid Storing Anything in The Furnace Room

People who have a small furnace room usually avoid putting anything there. However, if they do so, then items placed in the room can cause issues with the smooth operation of the furnace. The stored stuff can reduce ventilation, or it can reduce the effective heating of the furnace.

There are so many people who put broken skateboards, extra kitchen appliances, and other stuff in the furnace room. If you are paying attention to the news, then you can find many cases happening throughout the country of putting flammable stuff in place. Stuffed teddy bears and similar things are primary examples of these issues. It is always better to be safe than to be sorry.

The major issue occurs with houses where the furnace room is in the basement, or it is really a large room. People usually end up storying their extra stuff in the furnace room, thinking that there is plenty of space being wasted for no reason. Well, they are not completely wrong, but the stuff in a furnace room affects the ventilation.

Flammable Stuff

Putting flammable fuels, oils, wood, or anything similar can be catastrophic. How? Fuel like gasoline or diesel is highly flammable, and when the heat, it can burn with a little spark only. There are higher chances that you will end up putting everyone in the house in danger.

The furnace room is not room to fun around, and it is also not your store room. Being responsible for such a place is important. Propane tanks are used during a barbeque, and people also put these tanks in the furnace room. Almost everyone knows that Propane, ethane, and other gases are highly flammable. Heat can increase the pressure inside these tanks and cause them to blast.

When these tanks blast, all the gas inside catches fire in a short period. There is no other chance to get out of this situation. Even if you think you are putting the fuel or propane tank at a distance, there is still a huge risk.

Trees or Plants

If you are looking forward to installing plants in the furnace room to make it look better or you have already used the brain, then it can be a costly decision. Plants and other things can increase the moisture inside the furnace room. As a result, the humidity starts causing rust in the furnace.

This oxidation or corrosion can reduce the lifespan of your furnace, and you already know how expensive these furnaces are. It would be better to avoid putting in a humidifier, also. It is unlikely that people still do such mistakes, but being aware is always better.

Another problem with moisture in the room is the malfunctioning of the furnace. If the furnace uses more fuel or breaks down due to excessive moisture, it can be a fire hazard. The best way to avoid this issue is to be aware of your responsibilities before putting anything in the furnace room.

Do Not Cause Clutter in the Furnace Room

If your furnace room is large and the furnace itself is storing a small part of the room, then you can think of using the extra space as a storage room. Well, there is no issue with it until you are stuffing the place with lots of items. Americans and Canadians are famous for storing their stuff even if they don’t need it.

When the furnace room starts filling up, there is a higher chance that the furnace will be having issues with the ventilation. Less ventilation can cause poor efficiency and excessive heat, or it can be a fire hazard. Being careful about the furnace room is critical in all cases, and you can remain tension free if you simply don’t put anything there.

On the other hand, if there is a lot of stuff in the room, then it becomes difficult to enter the room for maintenance also. You are less likely to notice any issues with the furnace at the early stage if the room is preoccupied with other stuff.

Isn’t it a great way to avoid unwanted stress? So, if it is possible, then you can consider keeping the furnace room as empty as it is possible.

Additional Factors to Consider for a Safe Usage of Furnace

There are plenty of things to keep while using a furnace in the house. Below given are a few things that you should always keep in mind:

Apart from all these critical things in mind, one should inspect the furnace room on a weekly basis to ensure proper working. If there is any sign of corrosion, then it will be easy to fix it at an early age than replace the whole furnace after the malfunction.

The final verdict

It is impressive to be a person who cares for the family and is also a responsible being. While using air conditioners, heaters, and other appliances at home, we humans start taking things for granted. However, being irresponsible with the maintenance and care of such products can be dangerous. We hope that going through all the given tips has helped you gain more insight into the topic you were here for.