Water Heater Repair Schomberg
If you find your water heater in Schomberg, Ontario, delivering cold water despite being turned on for an extended period, it’s likely that the heating elements have been damaged and require replacement. Delaying the call for water heater repair in Schomberg can lead to further deterioration, causing the water heater unit to overheat and make strange sounds. This can create a dangerous pressure buildup inside, potentially resulting in water heater explosions. Although such explosions are rare, they can be devastating. In many cases, irregular water heater maintenance in Schomberg contributes to water heater problems.
Prompt attention from expert water heater repair in Schomberg is essential for addressing the following issues:
Water Temperature Fluctuations
Fluctuations in water temperature are often caused by thermostat issues. A thermostat set too low results in cool water, while one set too high can lead to boiling water. Additionally, a water heater that is 12-15 years old may contribute to temperature fluctuations. To pinpoint the exact reason, it’s crucial to call for water heater repair in Schomberg promptly.
Smelly or Discolored Water
Unpleasant odors in water are often due to rusting pipes, which occur with an increase in mineral levels such as iron and copper. Bacterial growth inside the water tank can also cause a sewage-like smell. Regular water heater maintenance in Schomberg can prevent such damages. For damaged pipes, calling professional water heater repair in Schomberg is necessary to replace them.
Water Heater Leakage Problems
Water heater leakage is frequently caused by a broken drain valve. Issues with the temperature and pressure relief valve can also lead to leaks, especially when there is excessive pressure due to extremely hot water. Internal sediment build-up can also contribute to leakage. In such cases, a new water heater installation is recommended. Consulting a licensed and authorized water heater repair service in Schomberg is essential to diagnose the exact cause and suggest the right solution.
For a swift resolution to these issues, you need a water heater repair company in Schomberg with licensed, skilled, and experienced HVAC technicians.
SmileHVAC stands as the best water heater repair service in Schomberg, addressing your water heater troubles, including maintenance and installation. Whether you need to maintain home temperature, ensure a regular supply of hot water, or soften hard water for drinking purposes, SmileHVAC’s water heater repair services in Schomberg have you covered with just one call away. Contact us for your prompt water heater installation in Schomberg.