
Humidifiers | 6 Min.

21 Ways to Reduce Indoor Humidity

Written by Nikita

humidity in house

High indoor humidity can lead to discomfort, mold growth, respiratory problems, and structural damage, while the ideal indoor humidity level during summer ranges between 30-50%. Learning how to reduce the humidity in your home is essential for maintaining a healthy and comfortable living environment.

In this article, we’ll explore 21 ways to decrease house humidity, why it’s important to keep your home’s humidity levels balanced, and how to monitor and adjust these levels for optimal comfort and health.

Visual Indicators Of High Humidity in Home

Factors Influencing Indoor Humidity

21 Ways To Reduce Indoor House Humidity

To reduce indoor house humidity, you can take several measures. Here are some effective strategies-

  1. Use Dehumidifier: Invest in a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air
  2. Allow fresh air circulation: Open windows and doors to allow fresh air circulation
  3. Use exhaust fans: Use exhaust fans in kitchens and bathrooms to eliminate steam and moisture
  4. Prevent moisture buildup: Fix any leaks in pipes, faucets, or roofs to prevent moisture buildup
  5. Minimize steam: Cover pots and pans while cooking to minimize steam
  6. Opt for outdoor drying: Hang laundry outside to dry instead of using indoor drying racks
  7. Enjoy dual benefits: Enjoy the benefits of both cooling and dehumidifying with air conditioning
  8. Limit houseplants: Keep the number of houseplants limited as they can release moisture into the air
  9. Store food properly: Store food in sealed containers to prevent moisture from escaping
  10. Prevent basement moisture: Stop moisture from entering the basement by sealing cracks and installing a sump pump if needed
  11. Reduce steam in bathrooms: Limit shower time to reduce steam buildup in bathrooms
  12. Use moisture-absorbing materials: Place moisture-absorbing materials such as silica gel or activated charcoal in closets or cabinets
  13. Monitor humidity levels: Keep track of indoor humidity levels with a hygrometer and take necessary steps if levels are too high
  14. Seal gaps: Seal gaps around windows and doors with weather stripping to prevent humid outdoor air from entering
  15. Use water-efficient appliances: Use water-efficient appliances and fixtures to minimize indoor humidity
  16. Insulate pipes: Prevent condensation and moisture buildup by insulating cold water pipes
  17. Improve air circulation: Improve air circulation and prevent stagnant, humid air by using ceiling fans
  18. Keep gutters clean: Ensure gutters are clean and free of debris to prevent water from pooling around the foundation
  19. Use desiccants: Use desiccants such as silica gel packets in areas prone to moisture buildup, such as closets and cabinets
  20. Fix roof leaks promptly: Promptly fix any roof leaks to avoid water damage and moisture intrusion
  21. Choose low-water plants: Choose low-water plants or use saucers under pots to catch excess water when caring for indoor plants

Importance Of Having Balanced House Humidity

Maintaining balanced humidity levels in your home is crucial for both health and structural integrity. Here’s why:

By understanding and controlling indoor humidity, you can create a healthier living environment and protect your home from potential damage.

How to Monitor and Adjust Humidity Levels

Monitoring and adjusting the humidity levels in your home is crucial for maintaining a comfortable and healthy environment. Here are some effective methods:

Use of Hygrometers and Smart Thermostats:

Implementing Humidity Control Devices:

Seasonal Adjustments and Home Maintenance:

By closely monitoring and adjusting your home’s humidity levels, you can prevent health risks, property damage, and enhance overall comfort.


Through the exploration of various strategies to manage and reduce indoor humidity, this article has underscored the importance of maintaining balanced humidity levels for both health and home integrity. From improving ventilation and controlling moisture sources to adjusting home maintenance habits, we’ve outlined tangible steps homeowners can take to achieve an optimal living environment. These measures not only enhance comfort but also prevent the adverse effects high humidity can have on health and the structural durability of your home.

As we conclude, it’s clear that understanding and managing indoor humidity is pivotal for sustaining a healthy, comfortable, and damage-free home. Regular monitoring of humidity levels, coupled with appropriate adjustments and interventions, can lead to significant improvements in living conditions. Adopting the recommended practices will empower homeowners to effectively tackle the challenges associated with excessive indoor humidity, thereby ensuring a safer and more enjoyable home environment for all inhabitants.


What causes high indoor humidity?

There can be many reasons for the high humidity in the house. Some of the major reasons for high humidity in the house are cooking, heaters, poor insulation, water leaks, breathing, the weather outside, poor air conditioner, etc.

How do you dehumidify a room naturally?

There can be many ways to dehumidify a room naturally. Some of the wats are improving insulation, getting a dehumidifier, using charcoal, and others.

Is 70 humidity in a house too high?

70 humidity is too high and can result in serious damage to the property. 30-60% is the best range to keep the humidity.

What removes moisture from a room?

Air conditioners and dehumidifiers can be a great way to get rid of the humidity in the house.

What is the best thing to absorb moisture?

Silica Gel, calcium chloride, clay, and coal are a few of the substances which can absorb moisture from your house.