

How To Do a Furnace Tune-up For Your Home?

Are you aware of the importance of furnace tune-up? Undergoing a furnace tune-up ensures that your heating system’s components are working efficiently. Certainly, you’ll have to pay a little extra to keep your property warm for as long as the winters are at their peak. With an annual tune-up from a Smile HVAC professional, you have the chance to save a few dollars.

Logically, do not wait for a fault to occur or for the unit to stop working. However, frequent tune-ups are fast, easy to perform, and help save thousands of bucks on your hefty power bills. What are you waiting for? Deep dive into the below information to learn DIY furnace tune-up tips and tricks:

Essential DIY Steps for Furnace Tune-Ups: Maximizing Efficiency and Performance

Most often, maintenance and check-ups maintain your property’s heating and cooling units in good working condition. Don’t worry; routine furnace maintenance isn’t as difficult as it sounds. When it comes to preserving the higher efficiency of home heating systems, there is a plethora of options available. With the steps below, you’ll be able to do a furnace tune-up yourself without any fuss:

Step 1: Take off the furnace entryway

Begin with removing the furnace entryway; in this way, you will be able to clean even the small cabinets of your unit. Use a screwdriver to loosen up the panels.

Step 2: Clean/Replace filters

Another best way to ensure that furnace cleaning will do well is to replace the existing filter with a new one. If filters need to be cleaned, make sure to wipe them off thoroughly, as it affects both the indoor air quality and energy efficiency of your furnace.  Do this at least 4 times a year.
If someone has asthma or allergies or who has pets, the duration should be increased to every 6 weeks. In the meantime, don’t forget to check that all those vents and windows in your property are not restricted to allow adequate airflow and stay open.

Step 3: Check flame operation, heat exchanger, and gas operation

The steps for a furnace tune-up also include an inspection of internal components to ensure that it is operating at its maximum potential. Observe the burner flame and check how it looks. If the flame inside your unit is blue, it is a sign of peace. If blue is not there, this is a sign of danger!

An orange and yellow lit flame is a sign of dirt accumulation in the burner, which can cause serious problems, including reduced combustion efficiency.

In the case of a flickering flame, it is possible that there may not be enough breathable air to complete the ignition. This will result in serious problems like gas leakage.

Note: If you notice the flame inside the furnace is orange, understand the need to call an HVAC professional, such as Smile HVAC.

Step 4: Clearing out the furnace interior using a vacuum hose

Afterward, the next step you can perform is clearing out an interior area of the furnace with the help of a vacuum hose. While performing this, make sure that all kinds of dust, debris, and dust collect inside the hose. However, take care not to suck in or damage any interior cabinets.

Step 5: Cleaning and inspecting the condensate line

When doing a furnace tune-up, don’t forget to go through this preventive maintenance step. A white pipe on the front or side of the unit is commonly referred to as the condensate line. The use of a condensate line is to drain the compression from your furnace and air conditioning unit.

If it looks broken or dirty, immediately open it from the top and clean it thoroughly. Next, pour water from the top to assess whether the water is draining adequately when the jam occurs. To make sure water is not leaking from your air conditioner unit, open and clean the condensate line if necessary.

Finally, when winter weather begins, be sure to close the dampers on your upper floor. By doing this, your property will be well-heated.

What Furnace Tune-up Services Does Smile HVAC Professionals Provide?

At Smile HVAC, we house multi-talented, skilled HVAC professionals. Our experts have mastered their work. By hiring our experts, you can get the heating maintenance tasks done very easily. Scroll down to check out which furnace tune-up services we provide:

Inspection of combustion in gas units

Our HVAC specialists address the condition of the gas system and, if necessary, make adjustments. If carbon monoxide or a gas leak is available, HVAC specialists have the ability to locate them as quickly as possible. In addition, if CO detectors are on in the home, they can detect this as well. It is important to detect such hazards because CO poisoning is fatal, and the gas is explosive. In addition, they are trained to inspect, monitor, and clean igniter, burner, and inducer motor while mastering pilot assembling.

Cleaning and Inspecting  furnace chamber

In a heating system, there are various components inside the furnace chamber. Our experts inspect the structural integrity of the unit during a tune-up. Additionally, they remove corrosion compounds, including dust and dirt, by vacuuming thoroughly. Inside the chamber, the HVAC technician carefully adjusts, cleans, and inspects the safety switch, blower wheel, and various electrical connections.

Thermostat Assessment

If you have signed a contract with us, we will make sure you get the furnace tune-up you want. At Smile HVAC, air conditioning specialists clear connection obstructions, inspect temperature calibrations and check to see if batteries are dead.

Condensate Removal and Assessment

Our experts are also specialized in inspecting and removing condensate. HVAC specialists will look for visible traps, condensate drain piping, and drain pumps for smooth and long-term operation. They will repair, clean and replace condensate, if necessary, to ensure uninterrupted use.

Airflow inspection

Without a doubt, airflow is a hero element in the furnace. As proper airflow is slow, the efficiency of the furnace will drop significantly. Don’t Panic! Our experts inspect the efficiency of home airflow by testing to learn about static pressure. During a furnace tune-up, an HVAC specialist also checks the ductwork and determines that all inlets and doors are open.

Wiring adjustment and inspection

Last but not least, Smile HVAC also determines that the wiring is in place. If wires and connections are loose, they can cause malfunction and costly repairs down the road.

Furnace Tune-Up: Benefits One Should Know About

Often furnace tune-up is an effective method to keep your unit working efficiently and smoothly. Though most people aren’t aware of the benefit of regular upkeep. If you are also one of them, then you do not know how much your money will be spent in future. So, let’s check why annual or frequent tune-up is vital for your furnace:

With proper tune-up, the performance level of the furnace will increase.

To sum up!

In a nutshell, Furnace tune-ups are critical to maintaining the optimum efficiency and performance levels of your unit. With DIY tune-up tips or hiring an HVAC professional, it can be very easy to return the furnace to its normal condition while minimizing further repair costs. Hopefully, you will find this information helpful! Thank you.